Golang News http://golangnews.com Jobs, Code, Videos and News for Go hackers - everything about the go programming language Thu, 17 Aug 2017 13:37:00 +0000 MapMatcher - A simple and fast local map matcher for go #osm #mongodb <p>Map-Matching is the process of aligning a sequence of observed user positions with the road network on a digital map.</p> <p>MapMatcher is a golang package that lets you to do so. Its input is a set of GPS trajectories consist of latitude, longitude, and timestamp of the points, plus information of road traffic.</p> 4 points posted by Cih2001 https://github.com/Cih2001/MapMatcher 2524 Wed, 16 Aug 2017 15:01:00 +0000 mgob - MongoDB backup automation tool #mongodb #docker #s3 #sftp #prometheus 4 points posted by StefanP https://github.com/stefanprodan/mgob 2206 Sat, 13 May 2017 15:04:00 +0000 Goddit: Reddit WebSockets chat in go #websockets #mongodb <div>I made this simple WebSockets chat in go for reddit, hope you like it<br></div> 4 points posted by octoheron https://github.com/octohedron/goddit 2178 Sun, 07 May 2017 12:30:00 +0000 MongoHelper - Wrapper over official mongodb driver #golang #mongodb Simple wrapper/helper to deal with mongodb main operations, recovering - when possible - from disconnections and making main operations way simpler. 3 points posted by miguel https://github.com/miguelpragier/mongohelper 4328 Thu, 30 Apr 2020 17:55:00 +0000 Build a RESTful API in Go and MongoDB #mongodb #tutorials <p>In this tutorial I will illustrate how you can build your own&nbsp;RESTful APIin&nbsp;Go&nbsp;and&nbsp;MongoDB.&nbsp;All the code used in this demo can be found on my <a href="https://github.com/mlabouardy/movies-restapi" style="box-sizing: inherit; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-top-style: initial; border-right-style: initial; border-bottom-style: solid; border-left-style: initial; border-top-color: initial; border-right-color: initial; border-bottom-color: rgb(51, 51, 51); border-left-color: initial; border-image: initial; font-family: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-weight: inherit; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">Github</a>.</p> 3 points posted by mlabouardy http://www.blog.labouardy.com/build-restful-api-in-go-and-mongodb 2567 Wed, 23 Aug 2017 10:52:00 +0000