Golang News http://golangnews.com Jobs, Code, Videos and News for Go hackers - everything about the go programming language Sun, 05 Aug 2018 18:22:00 +0000 Preprint on SciPipe - Go-based scientific workflow library #pipelines #workflows #bioinformatics We just published a preprint* about our Go-based scientific workflow library <a href="http://scipipe.org">SciPipe</a>&nbsp;(<a href="https://github.com/scipipe/scipipe">GitHub repo</a>), on bioRxiv (<a href="https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/08/01/380808">direct link to preprint</a>).<div><div><div><br></div><div>The link above is to a short blog post framing the background for the development of SciPipe, in brief terms, including our frustration with the python-based Luigi/SciLuigi workflow system.</div><div><br></div><div>Feedback on the preprint, is very much welcome, as soon as possible, as we will soon submit to a journal.</div><div><br>*&nbsp;(non peer-reviewed raw manuscript copy uploaded for early feedback before submitting to a journal)</div></div></div> 4 points posted by saml http://bionics.it/posts/scipipe-preprint 3476 Sat, 04 Aug 2018 12:39:00 +0000