Golang News http://golangnews.com Jobs, Code, Videos and News for Go hackers - everything about the go programming language Thu, 08 Sep 2016 14:05:00 +0000 Let the doer do it #http #web There are lots of Go packages out there that make HTTP requests, maybe because they wrap a RESTful API or they do web crawling, etc. Regardless of the reason, at some point they use an *http.Client to make those requests. This article is a recommendation on how I believe this client should be managed in the context of reusable packages. But let’s start by looking at various common ways it is used, and why this isn’t optimal. 3 points posted by kenny https://0value.com/Let-the-Doer-Do-it 597 Tue, 16 Feb 2016 23:39:00 +0000