Golang News http://golangnews.com Jobs, Code, Videos and News for Go hackers - everything about the go programming language Mon, 15 Oct 2018 19:35:00 +0000 The Design of the Go Garbage Collector #language <p>Hi, I am Okada(<a href="https://twitter.com/ocadaruma" target="_blank">@ocadaruma</a>), a member of the LINE Ads Platform team. I've been interested in Go's GC (Garbage Collection or Garbage Collector) for a while, which got me even to write a post about it. Go is a programming language developed by Google and supports garbage collection. Go also supports concurrency through <a href="https://tour.golang.org/concurrency/2" target="_blank">channels</a>. Many companies, including Google, are using Go, and LINE also uses Go for developing tools and services.</p> 11 points posted by kenny https://engineering.linecorp.com/en/blog/detail/342 3604 Fri, 12 Oct 2018 08:28:00 +0000