Golang News http://golangnews.com Jobs, Code, Videos and News for Go hackers - everything about the go programming language Sun, 11 Sep 2016 21:51:00 +0000 QOR 1.0 Released (the SDK for E-Commerce & CMS development in Go) #golang #oss #sdk #ecommerce TOKYO, Japan — April 21, 2016 — The Plant today announced that QOR, its open source SDK for E-Commerce & CMS development, is now available in version 1.0. For this public release QOR has been completely rewritten in Go. QOR is a versatile SDK that gives developers the freedom and capabilities to create cutting-edge platforms & web apps. For this first public release we have focused on rewriting and providing all the libraries and widgets necessary for building a CMS, in the upcoming releases we’ll be adding e-commerce specific widgets and modules to the core libraries. 1 points posted by arglborps http://getqor.com/en/blogs/article/title=QOR%201.0%20Released 785 Thu, 21 Apr 2016 03:26:00 +0000 QOR – SDK for E-Commerce & CMS development in Go #cms #web QOR is architected from the ground up to accelerate development and deployment of Content Management Systems, E-commerce Systems, and Business Applications. QOR is comprised of modules that abstract common features for such systems, such as a configurable and flexible back office, a content publishing system, a media library, and much more. 1 points posted by lolly http://getqor.com/en 672 Sun, 06 Mar 2016 22:41:00 +0000