Golang News http://golangnews.com Jobs, Code, Videos and News for Go hackers - everything about the go programming language Sun, 02 Feb 2020 09:11:00 +0000 Go's tooling is undervalued 6 points posted by drogo https://nullprogram.com/blog/2020/01/21 4241 Wed, 22 Jan 2020 07:40:00 +0000 Go slices are fat pointers Go famously has pointers, including <em>internal pointers</em>, but not pointer arithmetic. You can take the address of nearly&nbsp;anything, but you can’t make that pointer point at anything else, even if you took the address of an array element. Pointer arithmetic would undermine Go’s type safety, so it can only be done through special mechanisms in the<code class="highlighter-rouge">unsafe</code>&nbsp;package. 6 points posted by kenny https://nullprogram.com/blog/2019/06/30 4030 Mon, 01 Jul 2019 00:06:00 +0000