• Good post. Shows very well which aspects of Go is easy to pick up, and which isn't.

    The code examples naturally shows an how a newcomer would approach this.

    I have no idea where the author picked up "A major recurring point is that Go seems to advocate runtime over compile time checking", which couldn't be more false IMO.

    For fun, I did a quick re-write of how it typically would look:


    type Drawer interface {



    type Line struct {

    color Color

    a Point

    b Point


    func (d Line) DrawTo(bg image.Image) {}

    type Triangle struct {

    color Color

    fill Color

    a Point

    b Point

    c Point


    func (d Triangle) DrawTo(bg image.Image) {}

    type Fill struct {

    color Color


    func (d Fill) DrawTo(bg image.Image) {}

    func paintingLoop(img image.Image, ch chan Drawer) {

    // shorthand for a loop over receiving over

    // a channel

    for msg := range ch {




    func drawThingy(ch chan Drawer) {

    ch <- Line {color: Red, a: Point{x:0, y: 0]}, b: Point{x: 1, y: 1}}

    ch <- Background{color: Blue}


    func main() {

    // do some setup

    ch := make(chan Drawer, 100)

    // Create out destination image

    var img = image.NewNRGBA(image.Rectangle(100,100))

    // Creates a goroutine which will handle the

    // event loop

    go func() {

    // create the window, etc

    paintingLoop(ch, img)



    // Close when done.


    // TODO: Add a channel to indicate image is done
