▲ 4 ▼ ActiveState released a beta of ActiveGo 1.8 for Windows docs.activestate.com posted by norbertfuhs 2895 days ago ▲ kenny 2892 days ago ▼ Also see some good points on the licensing from Dave Cheney here: https://forum.golangbridge.org/t/activestate-advertising-new-language-distributions-like-go/4633/6 Contributing ▲ kenny 2895 days ago ▼ I'm not really familiar with ActiveState, but I'm not sure why you would use this over the official Go distribution? Does it make development easier on windows because of the bundled tools? Contributing Register to comment or vote on this story
Also see some good points on the licensing from Dave Cheney here:
I'm not really familiar with ActiveState, but I'm not sure why you would use this over the official Go distribution? Does it make development easier on windows because of the bundled tools?