2 Packt Publishing – Go Behavioral Patterns (May 27)

packtpub.com posted by iris-go 2845 days ago  

Go is a multi-paradigm programming language that has built-in facilities for creating concurrent applications. Design patterns allow developers to efficiently address common problems faced during developing applications.

Go Design Patterns will provide viewers with a reference point for software design patterns and help to build applications in a more idiomatic, robust, and convenient way in Go. The course will take you to an advanced level of knowledge about classic design patterns but, as you will see, the design patterns covered here are quite different, partly because of the lack of inheritance in Go, but also because we have different and more optimal ways to solve the same problems.

With all this, the course will enable you to understand and apply design patterns in an idiomatic way that will produce concise, readable, and maintainable software.

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