1 Golang vs java

qwentic.com posted by Qwentic 2448 days ago  

Golang vs Java

In a typical tale Of David vs. Goliath; Golang is now successfully taking on the proverbial Goliath of programming languages-Java. This seemingly new programming language has been working wonders for both developers as well as users. Let us throw some light on how Google’s Golang which was developed by Google employees to meet the companies’ requirement has now gone on to become the first choice for many while developing enterprise applications. Let’s discuss golang vs java which is better to use:

1. Go-To-Market time
Once upon a time, Java was hailed as the simple and easy to compile language. But move over Java, Golang is here with its super clean syntax and compact form. Enterprise applications are literally developed at lightning speed thus helping businesses reduce their Go-To-Market time. So Golang gives you these awesome secure, error-free enterprise applications at the quickest possible time. Java fades in comparison with its vast libraries and frameworks.

2. Memory and Speed
The speed of performance of Golang is being touted as better than Java. This is because Golang is more resource efficient. It uses isolated goroutines, which helps save on resources such as CPU and memory. This type of resource efficiency not only helps in faster performance but also brings about cost efficiency. All this while JAVA requires high storage capacity and uses more memory, making it slower in performance.

3. Scalability
As Businesses grow, it is expected from the enterprise application that it shall be able to handle a growing number of concurrent web requests. This means that the enterprise application should be able to automatically scale up its computing ability as the number of simultaneous tasks goes up. Golang out rightly wins this battle as the written code can scale automatically to multiple cores. On the other hand, Java is not sufficiently scalable. During garbage collection, all threads are blocked and the garbage collection time can expand to minutes thus reducing the scalability of Java. These huge latencies effectively limit memory which limits scalability. Increased garbage collection latencies make Java less useful for application for real-time trades.

4. Security Costs
Chances of errors and security breaches will reduce if an application is checked thoroughly for errors while being developed. This would be great for an enterprise in terms of costs it might otherwise have to bear due to maintenance and patching.

On this aspect, too our David aka Golang performs better. This is because Golang comes with a built-in error type and any deviation from the standard go practices on part of the developer causes an automatic prompt. It leads to fewer chances of error and security breaches which could affect the performance of the program. Java Developments, on the other hand, are at risk because developers are not able to create highly structured architectures which can be easily checked for errors. Owing to this and several other security vulnerabilities that JAVA has been found to possess; time and resources are spent in developing patches for these loopholes.

So the word is out my friend. Golang makes for a smarter choice as compared to Java when developing Enterprise Applications.
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