▲ 4 ▼ hostyoself - Host yo' self from your browser, your phone, your toaster. github.com godoc.org goreportcard.com posted by Everton Marques 1971 days ago ▲ l1am0 1963 days ago ▼ Love the concept! Maybe using webtorrent would be an even bigger perfomance improvemnet Contributing ▲ Zack 1969 days ago ▼ I wrote this! Happy to answer questions about it, or receive ideas to improve! Contributing ▲ Till 1967 days ago ▼ Is this somebody actually using this other than fun? Contributing Register to comment or vote on this story
Love the concept! Maybe using webtorrent would be an even bigger perfomance improvemnet
I wrote this! Happy to answer questions about it, or receive ideas to improve!
Is this somebody actually using this other than fun?