• Hmm, the objections are:

    • Doesn't like gofmt - this is entirely without interest
    • Broken pkg management - I agree, progress is required here
    • No inheritance - that's not a bug, it's a feature! This is one of my favourite bold decisions in Go
    • Missing generics/generic collections - I haven't missed this much, concrete types have mostly been fine, if they can do it elegantly at minimal cost though it'd be a nice addition
    • net/http is too minimal - disagree strongly, there is cookie support, params/form parsing etc, in fact gorilla is built on top of it. I say this having written code for all the missing bits he mentions. It is not perfect but it's the best std lib http pkg I've seen.
    Go is similar but different, I think it pulls a lot of people in because it feels familiar and then is hard to accept because it is in some ways radical by omission rather than by addition of cutting edge features.