2 Hiring: Go developers at Jexia

forum.golangbridge.org posted by gopher 2932 days ago  

Jexia is hiring Gophers that are ready to work on the next best thing in development and wants to become a kickass Foosball players. So, what are we (and hopefully you) working on? We are developing a development ecosystem (BaaS + more) which developers can use to quickly build and prototype web & mobile applications and assist them even further (disclosed but happy to tell you more). As a Software Developer at Jexia you will lead the way in solving problems in high-performance, distributed computing. And which developer doesn’t love solving problems! And imagine you will be solving problems for millions of developers worldwide by creating Jexia! Jexia’s principles are giving, sharing and helping each other. We organize and host meetups and would love for our devs to be evangelists and speakers at meetups. Opportunity to go to meetups or conferences will be provided. But having fun and pride in your work comes first!

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