▲ 9 ▼ godzilla - Godzilla is a ES2015 to Go source code transpiler and runtime github.com godoc.org goreportcard.com posted by norbertfuhs 2861 days ago ▲ Sean 2861 days ago ▼ Yeah, but can I then run the resulting Go code in the browser using GopherJS? Contributing ▲ daenney 2861 days ago ▼ That's not the aim of it. It's meant to be able to be a replacement to Node.js, the server side runtime. Contributing ▲ Sean 2860 days ago ▼ Never let something's intended use stand in the way of creative frivolity. ;) Contributing Register to comment or vote on this story
Yeah, but can I then run the resulting Go code in the browser using GopherJS?
That's not the aim of it. It's meant to be able to be a replacement to Node.js, the server side runtime.
Never let something's intended use stand in the way of creative frivolity. ;)