9 nacl - a pure Go implementation of the NaCL set of API's

github.com godoc.org goreportcard.com posted by kenny 2772 days ago  

This is a pure Go implementation of the API's available in NaCL: https://nacl.cr.yp.to. Compared with the implementation in golang.org/x/crypto/nacl, this library offers all of the API's present in NaCL, better compatibility with NaCL implementations written in other languages, as well as some utilities for generating and loading keys and nonces, and encrypting messages.

Many of them are simple wrappers around functions or libraries available in the Go standard library, or in the golang.org/x/crypto package. Other code I copied directly into this library with the appropriate LICENSE; if a function is longer than, say, 5 lines, I didn't write it myself. There are no dependencies outside of the standard library or golang.org/x/crypto.

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