▲ 4 ▼ Routebuilder - build your http routes fluently web github.com godoc.org goreportcard.com posted by hankmartinez 2111 days ago ▲ hankmartinez 2109 days ago ▼ This library provides methods to build Http routes. Those routes can be used with any kind of router. Contributing ▲ kenny 2107 days ago ▼ Thanks for the clarification. Presumably you mean any router using http.HandlerFunc? Contributing ▲ hankmartinez 2105 days ago ▼ Yes, just for the http.HandlerFunc routers (for now) Contributing ▲ drogo 2111 days ago ▼ Title needs an edit? What does this do? Contributing ▲ kenny 2110 days ago ▼ I’ve adjusted the title, it’s a routebuilder for goji router I think. Contributing Register to comment or vote on this story
This library provides methods to build Http routes. Those routes can be used with any kind of router.
Thanks for the clarification. Presumably you mean any router using http.HandlerFunc?
Yes, just for the http.HandlerFunc routers (for now)
Title needs an edit? What does this do?
I’ve adjusted the title, it’s a routebuilder for goji router I think.