▲ 3 ▼ Apex log - structured & centralised logging for Go
By TJ Holowaychuk: If you know me you know I’ve written at least half a dozen logging packages, and although they arguably overdone, I still think logging a critical piece of infrastructure. Chances are if you’re a software engineer, you’ll be staring at logs for half of your life, so it’s worth taking the time to discover the “perfect” logging solution.
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Another popular option is logrus, and fragmenta (that's the libraries used to build this site) has just switched to structured logging too - I do think it's the future.
Ya, I very much prefer structured logging like this. It also makes it significantly easier to just up this into ES or something else vs. pattern matching (random) output through regular expressions to extract the same data. The fact that we can have multiple outputs is tremendously helpful as what is machine friendly is not necessarily human friendly and both can be useful.