▲ 6 ▼ glojure - Clojure on the go runtime github.com godoc.org goreportcard.com posted by lolly 2881 days ago The Glojure programming language by venantius ▲ tollela 2878 days ago ▼ This is probably of academic interest rather than actually useful for anything, but it's cool all the same. Nice to see lots of compilers and alternative languages based on go popping up. Contributing ▲ lolly 2881 days ago ▼ I don't know why either but it looks fun! Contributing Register to comment or vote on this story
This is probably of academic interest rather than actually useful for anything, but it's cool all the same. Nice to see lots of compilers and alternative languages based on go popping up.
I don't know why either but it looks fun!