▲ 2 ▼ Env - Environment variables env github.com godoc.org goreportcard.com posted by Lafriakh 2693 days ago ▲ tollela 2693 days ago ▼ This should really be called config, it looks like it is for reading config files, not environment variables. If it's called env it should probably have some ability to override with env variables if they are defined for a given key. Contributing ▲ Lafriakh 2693 days ago ▼ This register all values from config file to system env. to retrieves the value of the environment variable named by the key: env.Getenv("key") Contributing ▲ kenny 2692 days ago ▼ It might be worth trying to make the reader clearer on this point. Perhaps expand first para with the use case? What do you use this for? Contributing Register to comment or vote on this story
This should really be called config, it looks like it is for reading config files, not environment variables. If it's called env it should probably have some ability to override with env variables if they are defined for a given key.
This register all values from config file to system env.
to retrieves the value of the environment variable named by the key: env.Getenv("key")
It might be worth trying to make the reader clearer on this point. Perhaps expand first para with the use case? What do you use this for?