▲ 3 ▼ Event: Women who Go london meetup.com posted by lolly 3417 days ago ▲ lolly 3417 days ago ▼ Do these hashtags do anything? Can't seem to work it out? Contributing ▲ kenny 3275 days ago ▼ You can now add a hashtag to the title and it'll show up as a little grey tag button on the story. Contributing ▲ kenny 3417 days ago ▼ Do these hashtags do anything? Sorry, they don't do anything yet, they were intended to help with searches. I might make hashtags auto-create tags, or might just leave them to allow searching. I'll add a search field soon. Contributing Register to comment or vote on this story
Do these hashtags do anything? Can't seem to work it out?
You can now add a hashtag to the title and it'll show up as a little grey tag button on the story.
Sorry, they don't do anything yet, they were intended to help with searches. I might make hashtags auto-create tags, or might just leave them to allow searching. I'll add a search field soon.