▲ 2 ▼ xeon - a fast backend web framework in Go
A Fully-featured & Fast HTTP/2 backend web framework written entirely in Go. Contributions, feature requests and code reviews are welcomed!
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What are Xeon's advantages over net/http, which could also be described as "a fully-featured, fast HTTP/2 backend web framework written entirely in Go"? Is there any more documentation? The readme is just a giant code sample, and looking at the godocs... holy cow that Context interface is absolutely massive!
I had this problem too in earlier iterations of apps/frameworks which attempted to rewrite the signature of handlers; I've come to believe that replacing the current signature is a mistake, because it is too tempting to load your context with everything you might possibly need (this one has around 20 methods). As soon as an interface hits > 4 methods or so you may as well specify a concrete type, because you're specifying so much behaviour that it's really tied to one particular implementation. FWIW Buffalo has the same problem.
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Thanks for posting. I've shortened the title slightly and moved some text into the description.